
I have a mini refridgerator in my bedroom. The freezer section has frozen over.

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The top of the fridge is basically a HUGE block of ice. How do i get rid of it without taking the entire fridge out of my room to thaw. Should I unplug it and put towels a the bottom to catch the water when it melts?




  1. I would take out as much ice as you can and put it into your sink.  Then, unplug it and leave the door open (it will smell if you don't).  Let it thaw.  As it's thawing, the large blocks of ice will melt away from the freezer and you'll be able to take those out.  Keep checking the fridge at least every 20 minutes or  you'll get a huge water mess.

    I'd probably put towels all the way around to catch some of the thawing water.  You most likely have a drip pan at the bottom of your fridge - make sure to empty it a lot while the fridge is defrosting.  Once everything is melted out and you have all of the ice out, wipe down everything so that it's dry.  If you have even a little bit of moisture in there, it will start icing up immediately.  Empty the drip tray for the last time and plug it back in!

  2. I would move her outside and leave it's door open.It's alot faster and you are going to have much water to contend with if you don't.

    Problem most likely caused by leaking door gaskets.Good luck.

  3. Use all the previous good advice. I would also heat water to a boil in the largest pot that will fit in your fridge. insert the pot of hot water into your fridge to help accelerate the melting process. Add a fresh pot of hot water when the water in the fridge cools to luke warm. This will make your -pain in the ****-  defrost go much faster. Afterwords If you keep the freezer full frost will develop much slower.

  4. Your exactly right. Maybe use a pan to catch some water.

    Most small refrigerators have a shallow pan just below the freezer area to catch water when you defrost.

    Try to defrost more often and it will be easier and less messy.  

  5. Mini refrigerators don't normally have the frost free feature. Start defrosting dude!

  6. Turn it off then use a hair dryer to melt the ice. You'll be done in 15 minutes.

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