
I have a missing Fish?

by Guest44701  |  earlier

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I had the following fish:

Red Oscar

Green Severum

Big Catfish, 3 year old female (about a foot long)

Jack Dempsey

Today I went to check on them and the Jack Dempsey is missing look everywhere for over an hour...

More Details:

The Jack Dempsey and the Oscar were about the same size...

The Green Severum is very relaxed

And The catfish wont eat feeder fish

So My question is:

Who ate the Jack Dempsey?




  1. Hard to say. I mean, there's literally no telling which fish is the evil deed doer. I have a large red devil, a large pike, a large dovii, and a medium managuense...and I actually flushed my jack dempsey today (don't hate me, it was the lesser of two evils).

    I walked into the room, glanced over at the tank and saw my medium jack dempsey's tail flapping all over the place...the rest of his body was inside the pikes mouth.

    The pike finally released the jack who I thought was surely going to to be fish food. But unfortunately the jack was completely destroyed. He was pretty much dead, so we had to flush him.

    I feel so sad now. The pike had always been so mellow, sort of hiding from the red devil...but today he got so aggressive. He basically killed jack and actually stood up to the devil. I was seriously shocked.

    So honestly, I don't even know what my own fish are going to do. I guess you'll never really know unless one of the fish upchucks the little guy!

  2. The oscar defintley killed it. Other fish might have joined in eating it if already dead.

  3. The red Oscar is probably the most aggressive in the tank, the two most likely got into a fight and the Oscar won. Jack was injured... other fish took advantage of that... and  all together, finished him off...and then eaten.

  4. who ever is bigger than usual that one ate jack dempsey
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