
I have a mitsubishi projection tv that just went out what do i do?

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I have a mitsubishi projection tv that just went out what do i do?




  1. Most likely it is the bulb that went out.  The cost about $300 for replacement.  Projection TVs require a bulb replacement after some many hours.

  2. Find out how much the TV will cost to repair and find out how much the TV will cost to replace.  If the cost to repair is too high, then replace it.

    I agree with the other answerer about it probably being the bulb and also probably being about $300... the question that I would have is how old is the TV?  Was it time to replace it anyway?

  3. Like the other answerers said, your bulb may need replaced. They're only rated for a certain amount of hours like any other bulb. You can probably order a new one off of Mitsubishi's website, and you will probably be able to change it out yourself instead of calling a technician to replace it.

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