
I have a mix pitbull , but she look like a pitbull she got's blue eyes ,?

by  |  earlier

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i going to breed her with a real pitbull , she get to have puppy how much can i sell them for




  1. Hi Jorge.  I think you have posted your question in the wrong section, Sweetie.  This is reptiles.

    You might want to post it under dogs, to get the answer you are looking for.

    Hope this has been helpful, and good luck.

  2. First off, this should be in the dog section...not reptiles. Second...spay the dog. We don't need more mixed breeds out there that will end up in the pound.  If she's not pure, the puppies are worthless and the only people who will buy them are people who will fight them.  Spay!

  3. we already have so many unwanted Pitts and other dogs over crowding our shelters daily. Why add more? Why make more for people to abuse ...

  4. please dont breed youir dog. it is wrong, there are over 9,000 pits on who need good homes.  pls dont add to this

  5. why did you steal it out of someones backyard?

    wow thats the first thing perfectpeek (peek) has said that i agree with!

    mixes (mutts) arent worth much. you should take it to the vet and ask to have it put to sleep

  6. Haha first comment.

    Probably around 200-300$ a piece.

    Pitbulls are a little nasty though, so don't be surprised if they don't sell like hotcakes.

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