
I have a money tree about 3ft tall in the original pot. When should I repot it?

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I have a money tree about 3ft tall in the original pot. When should I repot it?




  1. When the roots appear in the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot.

  2. Does the original pot have a hole or holes in the bottom? If not you should repot to one with drainage holes.  Look for roots that start to stick out of the bottom drainage holes or are starting to appear at the top of the soil, as if they are starting to grow out.  

    I found this on the web:

    "I have a Money Tree that someone gave me. It is healthy and pretty little although as grown since I have gotton it. I was reading that it can grow up to 7 feet tall. When is a good time to repot the tree so that it will grow to full potential? "

    "Could be a long time before it reaches full maturity, although I have never seen one that tall except in a desert climate conservatory. Remember do not overwater. A 20 day water cycle in summer and a 30 day water cycle in winter. They like to be root bound so when you think it needs to be repotted go up two sizes from existing pot. If you overwater the leaves will shrivel and fall off.

    I hope this helps!  :)

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