
I have a motorcycle to commute to work, but for the past 2 weeks its been raining, I'm not saving gas when it

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Can't the government do something about the rain so we can can conserve and use less gasoline?

global warming causes it to rain more often




  1. Can't the government do something about the rain?

    Have you lost your mind?    They can't even come up with a balanced budget or remember GOD said  "Thou shalt not lie".

    And all this global warming stuff.....   the globe has been warming for some time now,   the ones who are panicing are the same who insist our children be taught that the continents were once covered with ice the killed off the dinosaurs when it was warmer before that.    It goes in cycles,   don't buy into the panic!     GOD is still in control.

  2. If it is raining, I put on my rain pants and jacket and ride.  I also have a lot of riding and driving experience.  I have a lot of experience riding in the rain.  It also helps my 1800 Honda Goldwing is yellow with lots of lights.  Very easy to see my bike.

    As to the second part of your question, that is pure nonsense.  Be thankful you are getting all that beautiful rain.  Many parts of our dear country would give anything for two weeks of rain.  

    We need to stop turning toward the Government for help.  WE THE PEOPLE need to stop bickering and fighting and making stupid decisions, and unite to stop our dependence on foreign oil, then to stop our dependence on oil period.  As long as oil companies are in existence, they will always be in a position to take as much money from our wallets and purses as possible.  

    At this period in our history, the government does not control us, the oil companies are controlling us.

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