
I have a mountain of video tapes?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like to put them on DVD. How can I do it? I have a DVD recorder and a separate video player.




  1. Connect a scart from the output of your video player to the input of your DVD recorder.if you need more help message me.

  2. There are shops that advertise this. It is not as simple as connecting your VCR to your DVDR, the VCR is analogue and the DVD will only record digital.

  3. Steven Y has just about answered this. The DVD recorder does not have to be expensive and you don't have to have a hard disc inside. An advantage if it can record in DVD+R/RW & DVD-R/RW and get some decent brand name(Sony, Maxell are pretty good) blank dvd discs.  Connect VCR scart socket(probably marked 'decoder') to the input scart(maybe marked 'input VCR') connect other scart to the TV scart and you are almost ready. Turn on TV and set it to view from the scart input(probably marked AV on remote control). Turn on the DVD recorder and you should now see info on your tv screen about the dvd equipment. Turn on VCR and put tape that you wish to record in VCR. Put blank disc in DVD. Set the DVD recorder to record from Scart, press 'play' on VCR and you should see the tape playing on the tv. Now press 'record' on the DVD and you should be recording the VCR tape onto a blank DVD disc. When finished recording you have to 'finalise' the DVD disc to allow it to play on other DVD machines and this you will have to do via the DVD menu. Before doing that it is just as well to to view the recorded DVD disc on the same DVD recorder/player that you have just used to make sure all is OK.

    You will have to follow the DVD recorder set up instructions before using this equipment and that is all fairly straight forward.

    Couple of points to remember:-   -R or +R can only be recorded once(-RW or +RW are re-recordable) and you will have to 'finalise' recorded disc for it to play on other DVD players and some players will only play -R/RW or +R/RW.

    DVD discs have a capacity for approx. 2hrs of recording at SP(single or normal play) but you can extend this time in the DVD player/recoder menu. Like I said, have a read of the instruction book for DVD and you won't go far wrong. I have a cheap DVD recorder and all of the above does work. I am slowly converting my VHS tapes to DVD disc. Good luck.

  4. You will need to buy a time base corrector that runs about $100 and plug the VCR into that and then plug the TBC into the DVD recorder.  That will bust the macrovision for you.  I know... I'm a TV broadcast engineer that converted my entire library although those are getting replaced as those VHS are being released on DVD.

  5. Are the tapes fuji? if so youve made another mount fuji. lol. Not wanting to state the obvious but you just need to connect the output of the video to the input of the dvd recorder. If the tapes have anti copy an extremely long scart lead can dampen any macro type encryption.

  6. using scart lead*connect video to dvd av2/line 2in  2 set dvd to av2/line2 channel, press play on video then record on dvd...

    you can get 6-8 hours on each disc, though if you upgraded to a philips dvdr3480, you can get 12 hours on a disc...  

    *use a decent scart lead, not the cheapy black ones as they affect the quality...

    good luck...

  7. I know where i live there is a small shop that is able to transfer videos to dvd i dont know what they charge or anything like that im afraid but it mayh be worthwhile maybe checking out the yellow pages in your area

  8. glue the cut up bits on the surface of the dvd, mind you get them in the right order now, else it be confusing

  9. If you have a DVD recorder then link it to the Video player using the phono leads and get a load of blank discs and start recording. Make sure to finalize the discs when you have filled them up.

    Finalizing a disc means that it can be played through any DVD player. You will find instructions on how to do this in the instruction manual for your DVD player, or there may even be a button on the remote that says "finalize".

    If your tapes are things you have recorded off the TV then this is all very simple, it only starts to get complicated when you want to record tapes that you have bought.

  10. h**l dear heart give them here.

  11. good luck on this one, i have the same problem and asked this question months ago, and still haven't found a way to do it.  I was told you have to have a 21 pin scart, connect to video and DVD player and then set to play / record, thought it would be simple it wasn't and still have piles of videos that could be put on DVD, so welcome to the club.

  12. you can also buy a video capture device and connect your vcr to your pc ,download all your videos to your hard drive then burn them to dvd.i use the easycap usb with video editor which cost me about £12 online.youll also need a scart lead with the 3 av connections which also has a in/out switch.

    really easy but takes a while as you have do it in real time ie if a video is 2 hours long then it will take 2 hours to download it to your pc .hope this shops who transfer tape to dvd charge around £5 a tape so this is the cheapest way to do it .

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