
I have a mouse problem.?

by  |  earlier

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My computer mouse is acting funny. I scrolls up, down, and right fine but I have trouble dragging it left. I think it's the little ball underneath is lodged in the hole a bit. What do I have to do to fix it?

(I can hardly get it to the continue button!!!)




  1. Flip your mouse over and you should see a turn dial where the mouse ball is. Remove the cover and take the mouse ball out of the mouse. On each side of the mouse there should be 3 rollers for each mouse access. They are probably filthy and full of lint, dirt, and whatever else is in or around out computer. Take a fingernail or some sort of scrapping tool and gently rotate the rollers on each access and clean them off. You must do it to each roller otherwise the mouse will keep acting up. After that try it out. Should work much better. If that doesn't help, look on the internet to see if your mouse has new drivers for your operating system.

    Though I do agree with the other poster that it's time to move on to an optical or laser mouse, if you can get that one working why spend the extra money unless the thing is trashed.

  2. Seriously? A  mouse with a ball? Do this:

    Turn off your pc.

    Unplug the mouse.

    Take said mouse in hand.

    Chuck it into the garbage.

    Next, head over to Best buy, or any other PC store.

    Purchase a new, optical mouse for around $20.

    Plug in using the usb connector. YOU DO NOT NEED THE SMALL GREEN ADAPTOR!

    Turn on pc.

    Enjoy the 21st century computing.

    Thank you.

  3. I'm not sure this procedure will work for you because the same roller controls both left and right.  If it will go right fine but not left then the mouse is likely literally broken and you will have no choice but to replace it.  Unlike the previous posters quote, a nice optical mouse can be had for around 10 dollars or so.  If you'd like to try cleaning/repairing it, here what ya do:

    Turn the mouse over and look at the bottom.  You'll see a little cover holding the ball in.  They almost always have arrows showing which way to turn it.  Hold the mouse in both hands and put your thumbs on the arrows and twist that direction.  In about 1/5 of a turn the cover will pop off and the ball will come out.  You will have two large rollers, on at the top and one on one of the sides.  At the bottom somewhere you'll have a smaller wheel to hold pressure on the ball keeping it in contact with the other two larger wheels.  These get dirty and gunky very easily, like in 48 hrs if your mouse pad is dirty, but are easily cleaned.  Either just try and scrape the crud off with your fingernail or something you can reach in with, and if you want to be really thorough you can swab the rollers with a lightly alcohol'd cotton swab.  

    Good luck!

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