
I have a mud turtle that I rescued. I believe she is from Colombia. She laid an egg. What do I do to hatch it.

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As of now, I removed it from the water, covered a tin in potting soil (moistened)and covered it with a bag for humidity. I set it under a light for warmth.




  1. If the turtle egg was laid in the water, and not removed the moment it was, it is most likely no longer alive - it drowned.  

    It is unusual for a turtle to lay a single egg.  Make sure she has a soil beach, or wet moss piled on stones, to finish laying.  The eggs must NOT be rotated.  Mark the top of each egg, once she finishes laying, with a Sharpie, and move it/them to an incubator for hatching.

    You can google "hatching water turtle" for the information you will need.  Also google "candling water turtle eggs."  It will discuss incubation, and candling, to tell if the eggs are devoping.

    I hope this has been of help, and good luck.

  2. eat it

  3. Step1Take a handful of moss, wet it thoroughly, and squeeze out the excess water. Place the moss in the bottom of the pot.

    Step2Place your turtle eggs on top of the moss.

    Step3Wet and squeeze another half-handful of moss, and place on top of the eggs. The eggs should now be secured snugly between 2 layers of moist moss, similar to what turtle eggs may find in the wild.

    Step4Place the whole pot into a plastic bag, and leave it in a warm location.

    Step5Check eggs every couple of weeks to ensure that the moss has not dried. It should hatch in 70 to 77 days if it was fertilized.

    happy hatching! from

  4. well YOU dont do anything the TUTRLE does like in the wild she will care for her egg untill it hatches and she wants to protect it so I would put it back or let it in her view. I hope this helps! any questions mail me! I have yellow belly sliders and my one laid an egg and it was fine but LEAVE it go!

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