
I have a myspace stalker, help???

by Guest58021  |  earlier

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K I got myspace like a couple of weeks ago, but I already had it before but deleted it. And so like a couple of days ago I get a friend request from a person, with the same exact profile pic as me and the name displays "Nata the L*****n" and it says that I'm 15 years old and that I'm a male. And it says at the headline "I like girls and I'm proud". What should I do?




  1. It's obviously someone that knows you at school that doesn't like you.

    I'd just report the myspace to get it deleted. Dont start talking to the person. It'll just make everything worse.

  2. Delete this person from your friends, stay away from them, don't talk to them, report it, and you can always make a new one!   :)  Hope this helps!

  3. ummm block the contact

    maybe delete your myspace and make a

    new one with like a code name

    so like this person doesnt know

    how to find you...  then

    just see what happens. if they are still

    inpersonating you, then report them.  

  4. The best thing to do is report, and set your privacy settings to private. That profile should be removed within a couple of days. this happened to my friend before someone trying to get revenge from embarrassment

  5. Block the user and report him or her. Also try not putting all your details online or visiting weird sites. It'll help. Good luck.

  6. Block the user!  If he continues, report him and have his account suspended!  If he's smart enough, please press charges on him.

  7. delete the stalker & change your profile to only viewable to friends.

  8. Report this person. Contact the creators of myspace and let them know of your situation. They will help you out. Good Luck.

  9. report the profile to myspace

  10. It sounds like someone in your life is trying to scare you and hurt you. Put privacy selctions on your profile. Report them too. Don't respond to anything they send you. They'll get bored and leave you alone.


    && Make A NEW one!

  12. it's actually an hater. don't you know the difference between a h8ter and a stalker. a stalker is someone you SAY when out with and stalks you standing outside you window and is creepy and could be out to harm you.  A HATER IS WHAT THAT PERSON IS DOING . calling you names on net and pretending their you for fun and trying get you in trouble possably feeling hurt that you believe their  A STALKER.

  13. this person just want a friend

  14. report it to myspace.

    You should also tell all you're friends that's not you. Add people you know, hang out and trust. Put everything to private

    Obviously that person don't have a life. So don't cry over it because they want to see you suffer.

  15. Sounds like you have a need to block that person and put your profile on private and report it to myspace

  16. I had the same thing happen to me and they had all these pictures of me and used them and sent them through e-mails to this really old guy and made up a whole fake life using my photos....i had to contact the police and make all my stuff privite and deleted any online photo albums I had

  17. Wow.  I have never heard that one before.  There is not much you can do except mail Tom or report it to Myspace.  Send out those emails to Myspace and ignore the jerk stalking you.

    Good luck.  

  18. there's something wrong with your details. The profile picture, explain to us the actualy image. if it's a picture of you then yeah block that account and set your profile private. IF IT'S NOT A PICTURE OF YOU OR ANY PERSONAL PICTURE. Then it's not a stalker, just a another person.

  19. report it!!

    help me?;...

  20. Block The User And Change your email and Display and your name different and also report his account to myspace.

  21. It was Hacked. It happens ALL the time on Myspace. Okay so what you do i either:

    1) Try to login to your old account and if you can go to EDIT PROFILE-ACCOUNT SETTINGS-DELETE PROFILE


    2) Click BLOCK USER.

    or you can always report this to Myspace tech group...

    But yeah i know this ALWAYS happens. Its usually some freak that's jealous of you or mad at you so they think that they're all cool by doing this and try make fun of you.

    Don't let them get to you and be the better person :)

    Best of luck...


  22. put your profile on private only your friends can see your profile.


  24. thats not a myspace stalker.

    seems to me like people dont like u hahahahahha

  25. report it! then delete your myspace and all your pics, and tell your friends not to add the person doing this to you. if you find out who it is, you could have a court case against them! thats harassment and they will get in big trouble. im sorry about whats happening to you and i hope it turns out ok!

  26. Report it to myspace by emailing them and they will delete it. Also get a copy of it and print it off incase it happens again. It is an offence they have stolen your pic and are pretending to be you. If you find out who it is you can get them in some serious trouble. I hope this helps.

  27. Report the profile right away .

    It's probably some one who disslikes you playing a stupid prank on you .. nothing wrong with liking girls, but if you don't and some one's spreading rumors that you do like girls, then it's a major issue . report it, and from now on keep your photobucket on private, put your myspace profile on private and delete all your enimies on myspace . Hope this helps .

  28. set everything to private.

    report the malicious profile.

    only accept people you know and trust.


  29. You can report that profile and get people to block that person...

  30. make sure you delete them from your friends and report it to myspace. also, im betting its someone you know trying to be "funny" so just report it and if you want to be safe, delete your profile

  31. You can report people for pretending to be you, i forget how to do it but i think on the person's profile there should be a link somewhere that says like "report this user" or something like that. i would also maybe post a bulletin about and just be like "this person is such an idiot" or whatever and then that way everyone will know that its not really you, hope i helped!! I've had things like that before and im know how annoying it is, i hope it gets worked out :).

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