
I have a nasty cough?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I don't speak for a while or breathe through my mouth and then I open or speak or breathe in deeply I feel this pain so painful that I have never felt it before. It is absolutely terrible. I have a nasty cough and it really hurts. I might have a throat infection but I'm not sure because I don't want to go to a doctor and her/him tell me.. "You've got a sore throat" because that would be a waste. I have been using cough lollies but it's still kills when I cough and it's quite muccusy. Thank-you and please help me.




  1. my son usually gets such conditions and its because he has asthamatic broncho .so get yourself checked and rest as much as possible.

    hope u get better soon.

  2. Get Some Sleep. Let your body get some rest, and ensure the room you’re in has a fresh supply of air. Keep a window open slightly to allow air to recycle otherwise the air you’re exhaling and want to get rid of mixes and is also inhaled.Get as much rest as possible. Drink lots of Orange juice. Eat chicken noodle soup. Try rubbing Vicks on your chest before bed. I've found that NyQuil seems to help cure a lot of symptoms.

    Drink Lots of Warm Water. Water is the best body cleanser in my life. I drink a lot of water daily and can often tell signs of my body needing water on days that I don’t drink as much as I usually should. Warm water when ill is just as good and easier for the body to take. If you don’t like lots of water, squeeze some fresh lime to give it a taste.

    Eat Water-Rich Content. Lots of fruits and vegetables will do you a lot of good. So too will some hot soup. Keep your intake light and easy on the stomach so that fresh nutrients can help fight off the foreign particles in your body causing the common cold. Steamed vegetables are good and avoid highly cooked, spicy and processed foods.

    De-stress. Stress can sometimes be attractive to the foreign particles that cause the common cold. Use this time to de-stress by listening to your favourite music, playing a musical instrument, reading and other at-home leisurely activities. Take your mind off things that are currently worrying you and enjoy some time off.

    hope you get better=)

  3. hey, i think you have tonsilitis, go to your gp and get antiboitcs

  4. Just visit your nearest gp , make a schedule to a doctor asap, don't wait to make it worse. Have a doc advise real better

  5. you need the dr to listen to your chest with a stethoscope and the phlegm if green means you probably have bronchitis. it could even be in your lungs ,pleurisy, and you will feel terrible, please see the dr

  6. Your throat is telling you to go to see a doctor as it might be serious.  the cost is nothing if it saves your life.
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