
I have a nephew and I already want him to be as tall as he can be for a career in pro sports.?

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I told his mother (my sis) that you should make him take some pills so that he can be 6 foot 5 or close to that. But really what's the secret aside from genetics. My nephew's mother is 5 foot 5 and his father is 5 foot 1 lol.




  1. Maybe she should groom him for life as a professional ping pong or badminton. Height wouldn't be an issue there.  

  2. If you can get him to have a tumor on his pituitary gland, this should cause out of control height growth.  He'll be 7 feet tall by the time he's 16.

  3. He isn't likely to get much taller than his mother since she is the tallest parent. Giving drugs to compensate for something genetic such as height is not a good idea. If there is such a drug it certainly hasn't been around long enough for the long term effects to become known. You could be endangering his life.  Would you rather have a tall, sickly nephew or a strong, healthy, short nephew?

    It should be up to your nephew to choose his future career anyway. He may become a great scientist or physician who develops the cure for cancer or AIDS or MRSA.

    You won't like to hear this but I'm glad you aren't his parent. From what you are saying the chances are that he would spend his entire life never meeting your unrealistic expectations. I hope you learn to love him for who he is and not become judge and jury because he isn't what you wish he was.

  4. your an idiot!! I mean...u really are an idiot arnt you...

  5. I cant tell If you are joking or not, but giving a Normal child who has no health reason growth hormone treatments is very dangerous to the child.

  6. The secret aside from genetics - a WILD IMAGINATION.  

    Which you have so you're half way there.  

  7. I also can't tell if you're joking or serious..... with your nephew's parents heights, it's probable that he will be rather short. It may not be, but it's a probability. Why do you want him to be in pro sports? How about a sport where height isn't an issue? Does the kid show aptitude or desire to play? There is NO pediatrician or endocrinologist who will give growth hormone to a child who doesn't need them. There is a long list of tests given to the child to determine if the SHOTS (usually) are necessary. Believe me, you don't want to put your nephew through all that. My grandson had to go through it and it turns out he's probably NOT a candidate even though at age 6 he barely has made it to 30 pounds and 38" tall- like a 3 year old! As long as he's healthy and his only "probem" is that he will be small, I'm one happy grandma! Let your nephew grow at his own pace, be glad he's healthy- if you're truly concerned that he is very small, take him to a pediatric endocrinologist- but for HIS benefit, NOT your agenda!

  8. >.>

    Make sure that he actually WANTS to be in pro sports. Parents or relatives that choose their underlings futures just...suck.


    You really shouldn't mess with height because I hear it causes many problems. I think you should just wait to see because if you use pills, it might actually just stunt his natural growth and he can't live off of height pills so I recommend...not doing it.  

  9. Anyone taller than them in the family? My husband's parents are short and he is 6'1. My dad's side of the family is tall, My dad is 6'4 but my mom was barely 5ft (d**n Cubans) lol My son is 4 and the Dr said he is 99% for height and weight and that more than likely he will be tall like my dad and brother is 6'5". I think the general rule is to double the childs height by what it is by age 2...or something like can look it up...Good Luck...

  10. sounds like he will be a shorty. maybe try sports where height is not an issue like skating or skiing.

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