
I have a neutered female rabbit about 8 months old can i give her a younger male friend??

by  |  earlier

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I have a female rabbit, she's about 8 months old and has recently been neutered can i get her a male companion? Does he have to be neutered and will it be a problem that he will be younger (about 3 months old). Or is a female or a g-pig a better and easier companion

thank you





  1. no g-pig! i had on eand they hated my bunny! you sould get a  female buddy! a male would be fine but get him fix 1st! or get a fixed female and a fixed male! 1 big happy family!

  2. When he is about 6 months, you should get him neutered as well. They should be fine together as long as you proceed to bond them correctly. Look up Rabbit Bonding and it will give you procedures on how to bond them correctly.

  3. A neutered male is the best option here and the easiest introduction.  Most vets will do the procedure at 4 months old.  I'd wait to introduce them until he is neutered, otherwise he'll try to mate with her all the time, which is very annoying to a spayed female, and he could end up injured if she protests.  It's actually probably better that he's a little younger, she should see him as less of a threat to her territory and he should not be as territorial as an adult, either.  Take a look at the tips here in the socialization section to make a successful introduction more likely:

    Never house a rabbit and a guinea  pig together.  Yes, some people have success with the matchup, but they have very different dietary needs and rabbits are very territorial.  They can easily kill a guinea pig if they decide they don't want it in their territory any more, all it takes is one fight.

  4. Another neutered female would probably be better, but I don't see why a neutered male would be a problem. It's important to neuter her companion, though, because otherwise they will act dominant and possibly bully your rabbit.

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