
I have a new fresh water tropical fish tank but the fish only swim at the top of the tank whats wrong

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I have a airpump the tank isn't very big please help




  1. The words "new" and "isn't very big" combined with only mention of an airpump and not a filter set alarm bells ringing.

    What species of fish are we talking about here? And how not very big is not very big?

    Hanging at the top is a sign of water quality problems and lack of oxygen (air bubblers don't offer much in the way of oxygenation, its surface movement that does).

    A brand new uncycled tank is not fit for fish. It takes weeks of preparation and careful testing of water before its ready, and the fact the tank is small makes it very easy to put entirely the wrong species of fish in there. I've said it a dozen times this week but there is a lot more to keeping fish than just a container of water!

    Read this


    Research what your particular species of fish REALLY require.

  2. did u give them the right conditions? They need tropical water.

    If they are tropical salt water fishes than u need to give them salt water

  3. Only make sure that it isnt dead

  4. Different types of fish swim at different levels of the tank (there are top dwellers, mid way fishies, and bottom dwellers)

    So perhaps do some research and buy a variety.

    Another cause of course, may be poor water quality. If your fish seem listless, gasping at the surface, or irritated, it could be a sign that you need to check your water perameters.

  5. Two options are possible.

    First, the fish may be species that live near the surface. Naturally, they'll be swimming in this region.

    The other option is that your water doesn't have enough oxygen. An air pump won't just make this issue go away. Either you have too many fish crammed in there, the tank isn't be filtered enough, or you didn't cycle the tank before adding fish.

  6. if there all at the top see if you can find things to go at the bottom, like crabs, shrimp, or crayfish

  7. Tropical + Swiming at top =GOOD

    Tropical+Floating at top=BAD...........LOL

    They're O.K.

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