
I have a new hip joint. What will happen at airports?

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When I go through a metal detector with my new hip replacement I will set them off. Is there something I can do ahead of time with the airlines to make the security check go a little smoother?




  1. Your hip will be stainless, so it won't set off the magnets.  It will be a visual only, and the person monitoring the device sees dozens every day, so you won't get slowed down.

    I have a couple of titanium screws holding me together, and they never set it off.


  2. dw, when you beep just explain to the security person about your hip joint, maybe a doctors note or something?

  3. First, to clear up a few things:  Hips aren't made from aluminum.  Titanium or cobalt-chromium is what the metal parts may be made from.  Second, doctor's notes or cards that say you have a hip replacement are useless.  Think about it.  These things can be easily forged.  It is TSA's job to make flying safer.  They must do their own inspections, not rely on some piece of paper.

    I have had both hips replaced.  I almost always set off the metal detector.  What I do is tell the attendant immediately before I walk through the detector that I have "metal hips".  When the detector goes off I am pulled aside for a manual inspection by a same-s*x TSA employee.  It usually takes an extra couple of minutes.  They are always courteous and the passenger always has the right to request a private screening.  I never ask for private screening and it has become routine for me.

    One thing that we do to help things along is that my husband goes through before me so that he can intercept my stuff as it comes out of the screening machine.  He gathers it up and waits for me.

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