
I have a new pet bat...but not by choice..

by  |  earlier

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So, theres this bat flying around my upstairs living area and then it goes into this lil hole in the wall where the drywal isnt finished. I think its living in the attic. He came out again today and my boyfriend hates it. I dont mind the bat, cuz I'm an animal lover, BUT how can we get rid of it without killing it or calling an exterminator?? I dont want to have to spend a butt load of money please help if ya can!!




  1. If you can go out in the evening and see where the bat is getting in and then block that area. You want to do it at night when he's hunting. Bats are cool, they eat tons of insects and are fun to watch, but they do carry rabies and you can catch other diseases from their f***s so you really shouldn't get to attached. Good Luck! Moth

  2. Call the animal patrol services for your area, they will come out to your house and remove the bat without hurting him. It's important for you to remove him from your home for both your safety and the safety of the bat. Do not consider him a pet, he's a wild animal and should be treated as one.

  3. Hang some fruit off the wall or ceiling, (or wherever you can), all the way down the stairs and out of the front/back door.

    Bats especially like bananas so you could use bananas nearer the door and outside the door to encourage the bat to leave.

    I'm not sure if it'll work but it's worth a try.

    Hope that helps! =]

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