
I have a new quaker ....just wondering why she/he seems to "yawn" ?

by  |  earlier

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My Quaker Bella is about 3 months and not talking yet, but I just got her and have been talking to her constantly, is her yawning her trying to work words out or what? Thanks!




  1. Bella is probably yawning to clear a little bit of mucus.  If she only does it a couple of times in a row now and then, it's perfectly normal.  However if you notice her doing it constantly or she seems to be having any trouble breathing or you hear any clicking in her breathing, you should take her to a vet.  Once every now and then is probably just clearing mucus.

    You may also notice that Bella yawns when you lightly touch or rub the areas directly below her ears.  This is frequently called the "yawn spot" and many birds do this.  It's also perfectly normal.

    Keep talking to Bella.  She's probably practicing when you aren't in the room.  Birds frequently prefer to practice quietly until they get the word or phrase to sound right - and the next thing you know the words are coming out of those little beaks :-)  Keep listening!



  2. I have a parrotlet that is about the same age, he does the same thing. If you rub his face and ears he does it almost every time, its cute. If there is no other symptoms  then no worries. It's normal.

  3. No, like us birds yawn because when we are tired we sometimes do not get enough air. Then our body yawns as an attempt to suck some more air in.

    P.S she stills is a little young to start talking yet. But keep trying. If she is going to talk it will be probably be around when she is matured.

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