
I have a new sub but its only 3omhs and it came with a crappy speaker wire and i want to replace it but...?

by Guest64783  |  earlier

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but i loook on the back and there are no s***w holes and i can unscrew it and i cant figure out how to open it. so can any pleease help me!?

here is the speaker picture of the speaker on the back

can ant tell me how to open it?




  1. no screws means its a sealed box... this means the box is held together by glue.  now you have a choice, you can either open it as carefully as possible with a flathead screwdriver or you can try to deal with it.  i wish i could help more than that but sealed boxes are really anoying when it comes to replacing parts.

  2. According to the back of the speaker from your picture the speaker is actually 8 ohms. You may be able to access the speaker wire from the speaker itself (it had to be screwed in somehow) generally the boxes are sealed at the factory, then the speaker is installed with screws and possibly some sealant, you'll need to get to the speaker to replace the internal wires, if that's what you're after.

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