
I have a new wall phone. Why do I hear voices in the background when I make a call? It sounds like a radio.?

by  |  earlier

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The phone is an antique reproduction from Pottery Barn. We didn't have this problem with our old phone. The voices are a mix of people on other lines and what sounds like a radio announcer.




  1. when you go out and buy a filter. and it dose not go away call your phone company. they have better made filter that will get the radio station out.


  2. perhaps you will need a REF get that at Radio Shack....sounds like a Radio Station is bleeding thru....

  3. the RF filter option is only a band-aid to the real problem.. when i worked for VZ I would install an RF filter only as a last option...

    you have induction on your line, caused by an unbalanced pair, or a split pair.

    this is a telephone company trouble.

    the reason that you did not hear it with your other phone is because some phones internal circuits are better at filtering this out then others...

  4. You do need to have an RF filter on the line or the jack.  It could be an issue on the line as another person mentioned and it can also be an issue with the phone.  Either get a RF filter locally and install it or call your phone provider and they can see if it is the line or not.  

    If you put your own filter on, and you have DSL service, the RF filter will kill the DSL signal, so make sure you don't put the filter on a DSL jack or if you have DSL, call your provider as the interference will mess up the DSL anyway.

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