
I have a new website.How can i make good sales for it?

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I have a new website.How can i increase sales for it.what are the best marketing strategies i can use for?




  1. I absolutely guarentee this will work for you. So much so that if you're not 100% happy you'll get a 100% refund - no questions asked.

  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

    Get other sites to link to yours (Page Rank):

    Pay-per-click to get traffic:

    Charge-per-click for ads on your site:

    Have affiliate programs by having people coming to your site get a finder's fee for referring new customers to you.

  3. Look and Advertise your website there.

    I found there website through an article that specifically listed they as a good website that sells high quality traffic. I purchased 5,000 visitors to my website, and noticed the difference before I even checked my logs! I am so glad that I finally found a way to market my website that can be done quickly. I know how important SEO is, but they have to promote in other ways too. I know I've found a working method!

    I just wanted to say how impressed I was with there service. My campaigns were set up promptly and delivered as promised. I was impressed with the results as well. I purchased traffic for two of my websites and I received over 1450 signups for the first website and over 1030 signups for the second. (That's less than $0.01 a lead! Try finding that elsewhere!).

    There advertising works great. I'm using a direct landing page for my campaign and have been tracking every ad. A very high amount of visitors have been browsing my site and my conversion rates have gone up..

    Ever since I began advertising with Quality Traffic Supply, my sales have greatly increased. Since I now have a steady source of traffic which is targeted to my content, I now get a good return on investment. There traffic has worked wonders for me. I buy about 5,000 visitors a month to split up between my 2 websites, and for every $10 I spend there I bring in another $30!

  4. 1. Build Trust

    One way to quickly establish trust and integrity to your website is to simply put a picture of the owner or manager of the company up. This helps establish trust. It also helps with branding and having the customer perceive you as an AUTHORITY on the subject of Dental Care. Being perceived as an authority is critical to the strategy we’re about to discuss.

    2. Focus on Information First - then the Sale.

    Most traffic for products such as teeth whitening is of course going to come from Google. It’s so important that you understand how people use Google and their quest for information.

    “No-one googles to buy, they google to get information”

    SO. . . what’s the implication of this?

    Don’t try to sell the customer upfront. The headline and opening body copy should instead focus on making the customer feel that they are on the right place to answer their question.

    Sample Headline:

    “Having been in the Dental Industry for 8 Years, Here’s the Dirty Truth behind Plaque Control Products that Your Dentist May NOT want you to Know”

    The next part is an opening paragraph mentioning what the site is about — something along the lines of

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœMy name is _________. On this site I’m going to reveal to you everything I’ve learned about Plaque Control - the procedures, the best products, the industry lies and the best choices for consumers…………..”

    That’s the kind of opening that can hook a customer and make them stay on your site.

    Now here’s the next — and the MOST IMPORTANT PART.

    3. Customer Segmenting

    Ask the customer what they’re looking for. Yes - seriously…give them a list.

        What’s Your Biggest Question on Plaque Control?

            * Cost of Teeth Whitening

            * Home versus Dentist

            * What’s the difference between kits, gels, strips & etc,

    Here’s the KEY POINT

    Each question is a link to a separate page on the site that answers the question and then RECOMMENDS ONE PRODUCT THAT THE CUSTOMER SHOULD BUY.

    In many cases having many different products with different prices and reviews can have a severely negative impact on your conversion rate. There should never be any reason for your browser to have to stray from your website to get more information. This strategy eliminates that possibility.

    So what does the customer see when they click on their question of choice?

    4. Educating the Customer

    Now let’s say the customer clicks on “What is the Cost of Tooth Whitening?”. The next page they see looks something like this:

    The page DIRECTLY answers the question in brief and then recommends ONE single product for the customer.

    At this point, the customer is having their main question answered. A sense of trust has been established. They are likely to perceive you as an expert and not a salesperson looking for a quick product.

    Whatever product you recommend has now gained great credibility. The buy rate will likely be MUCH higher.

    But why do we recommend just showing one product?

    Let’s say you show 4 different products, the problem is that unless you explain the pros and cons of each really well, the visitor could jump off your site, go back to Google and do research on the products. Along the way, they might stumble onto a competitors site and you lose the sale.

    So if you must show multiple products, explain them really well based on the question the customer previously clicked on.

    In the case above, you know the customer is likely concerned with price. If you have 4 products in your catalogue, you can list all 4 on this page. But address the pricing levels of each. For example:

    Product 1: This one is the most economical. But results take 3 months. I would recommend this if you’re looking to spend less than $200….

    Product 2: High end product with great testimonials. Fast (most customers see results in ___ hours). The pricing is $3400.

    Again, you want to give the customer the EXACT info they need so they can make a purchase on your site — with little confusion and little need to go back to Google and do more research.

    Don’t stick to conventions - think out of the box. Learn to target your customers, discover what they’re looking for, give them EXACTLY what they’re looking for and make a sale through education and customer segmenting.

    Whether it’s online, in a catalog, or through traditional direct mail marketing, too many choices will “paralyze” most prospects and impede their ability to click the “buy now” button.



  5. Write articles about your website or ideas.

    Submit your website for users to review, free!

    Post Free Classifieds.

    Go to Famous Pages

  6. PPC plays major role in order to get vast audience, These tactic would be the best in order to promote the website and help us is making more sales.

  7. Many ways, Make use of advertising services such as: good sites

    Create a blog

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