
I have a noticeable underbite, I would like to undergo a surgery

by Guest33820  |  earlier

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The problem with me is that I am too embarassed to tell it to my parents or urge them to take me to an orthognathic surgeon as I feel surgery is the only way out of this problem. I am afraid they may make it an issue and inturn people around me would notice my condition more.

I am 23 years old and I am a student and I have to depend on my parents for my expenses. Would anyone help me how I would take this matter to my parents? Or would it be too late before I start working in about 3 years and then raise money for my corrective surgery?




  1. It would be appropriate that you first consult an orthodontist, more so when most of them do not charge any fee. If your orthodontist confirms that surgery is the right answer for your situation, he will refer you to an oral surgeon. It is from here that you can discuss with your parents about the necessity of corrective orthognathic surgery and seek their monetary support.

  2. I dont know if you think that surgery is the only way out of the underbite, but the new damon braces can help without surgery. they can correct more severe of problems without pulling or surgery. here is their website. they have some before and after pics that show how bad some of the patients had the over/under/cross bite and how they fixed it. and the treatment time is usually 6 months less.

    hope it helps.

  3. Some people are ok with an underbite....some are not....

    If you are not comfortable then it is YOUR issue...and not one that someone would come to you and say, ' you need to correct this'

    The correction would be self-driven...if you want it you will have to ask for it.  

    Do some research, get into a dialogue, see if there are any dental schools in your area where you could have things done for a reduced cost.  It will take some effort, but the payoff would be greater.  

    You are at a good age for this, and a good time to start the process, it will take a while....and you will have to be patient also...

    good luck

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