
I have a odd situation ... my tubes were tied.. now they have reattached i was unaware?

by  |  earlier

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I had a tubal 10 years ago i went for an ultrasound because i was having some issues... they saw no seperation in the tubes.. now i have thought of nothing else but moere children.. i am 33 i have 3 (16.13.9) i have a great man but i have no idea how to approach the situation.. we have dated 2 years.. why is this so hard?




  1. this is not unusual. My mother n law had her tubes tied and 14 years later I have a new sister n law. You just need to be up front about the situation with your man and so your both prepared to use birth control or have your tubes tied again. May be this time have them cut, tied and burned. I told my doctor to do this when I had mine done 6 years ago. I wanted to make sure that they didn't grow back. LOL

  2. This is why I elected to get an IUD over having my tubes tied, in case I changed my mind later.

    Just talk to your man and decide together what to do. That's the best advice I got.

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