
I have a one week old baby girl, all she does is sleep, is this normal? ?

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sometimes I am waking her up just to feed her breastmilk. she just sleeps so long...




  1. Yes, that's pretty much what they do at that age.

    Just keep doing what you're doing.  Let her sleep, but if she is sleeping for really long stretches, you may need to wake her for the occasional feeding.

  2. It's very normal for an infant to sleep a lot.  They are growing so fast, they need all that sleep. I have a 2 month old and I was worried at first as well.  Don't worry, though, soon you will be wishing for your little one to sleep more!!  My little guy stays up all day now!  

  3. That is completely normal. Enjoy it while you can! lol Newborn babies sleep on an average of 19 hrs a day. They wake up to eat,get changed,bathed,and go back to sleep. My advice to you since you are a new parent: when she goes to sleep,take that time to get some rest yourself. Things won't always be as easy as they are right now. Trust me!!!!! Good Luck and Congratulations!!!!!!!

  4. very normal. Babies grow up in there sleep. but you do need to make sure she eats every 3 hours. so if she doesn't wake up on her own, you can wake her up. But she will get over it, don't worry. You know, she is also very tired of the birth and all this new world going around her.

    how cute

  5. of course babies just eat sleep and p**p and congradulations

  6. Totally normal....

  7. As long as she's eating every 3-4 hours, it's fine.  She shouldn't be going longer than 4 hours between feedings at just a week old.  

  8. That's very normal.

    Babies are supposed to sleep 15 to 18 hours a day. With a break of 2 to 4 hours.

  9. lol, my husband also thought babies came out playing and cooing! mine slept for the first 3 months of her life... after that.. prepare yourself, they change! then you wont have time for anything. you're considered one of the "lucky ones", my nephew cried for the first 3 months. my doctors only recomeneded waking her up after 5 hours of continuous sleep to feed and dont wake her up at night!!!  

  10. Oh yes, totally normal! Some newborns can sleep up to 20 hours a day. Just make sure that you are waking her every couple hours to feed and change her diaper. Hope you are taking the opportunity to relax a little bit now too!

  11. Totally normal for a 1 wk old.  Try to get some sleep while she does!  

  12. Consider yourself lucky because if babies arent sleeping they are eating pooping or crying.  Just make sure she is eating enough.  

  13. That is totally normal. While she is sleeping she is growing. In a few months she will be awake alot more.

  14. it is normal for newborns to sleep a lot, but do be sure you wake her to eat often enough.

    At 7 days of age, a baby should be nursing about 10-12 times a day, so don't let her sleep more than 2 hours without offering the breast.  

    And keep a close eye on her diapers [she should have at least 6-8 wet dipes each day], and her color.  Jaundice and dehydration can both make baby lethargic -- and if baby is lethargic she won't eat well, which can make the jaundice/dehydration worse. Viscious cycle.

  15. That's normal. Let the little angel get her rest. Her brain is in development. But yeah make sure she eats too.

  16. yes, my son only slept, ate and pooped. Seriously. I wouldnt worry one bit, Catch up on some sleep while you can, this stage doesnt last long:)

  17. Yes this is what babies do. Totally normal. I do have a quick question though: did you have a c-section? The reason I am asking is cause I did and so did many other women I know, and I am not sure if this isrelated or not, but if you are on pain meds from sugery, it may make baby more sleepy. Its ok, just was throwing that out there. Are you getting enough sleep when the baby does?? Take advantage of those moments and get into bed.

    (The thumbs down troll strikes again :P phooey on you troll!)

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