
I have a peach tree and the peaches are not growing?

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my peach tree has started growing peaches but they stopped growing about a month ago. what am i doing wrong?




  1. You may have too many peaches on the tree for the tree to grow and ripen.  Have you thinned the fruit so they are no closer than 4-6 inches (or more) apart?  Also if the peaches are internal, they are not getting enough light.  Next winter you'll need to prune the tree a bit to open up the interior.  That's why we prune peach trees to an open vase shape, not a triangle or more typical tree form.

    Also make sure the tree is getting enough water.  And what about nutrients?  Did you fertilize the tree this year?  Maybe a hefty dose of compost around the root area will help this tree.  I'd avoid granular fertilizer unless you use a fruit and vegetable fertilizer with a higher middle number analysis....for example a 5-10-5.  Using a high first number, say a 21-0-0 is too much nitrogen for now.  

    Also peaches are slow....depending on the variety.  They may have fruit on them by April but it might not ripen until September....depending on the variety.

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