
I have a permit, my friend has his license. Could we drive to the fair?

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We're both 16. My permit says adult licensed driver. Does this count? Could we get away with it if it doesn't?




  1. no

    adult will be 21.

    you might but why chance it,if you get busted you may have to wait till you are 18 before you can get a license.

  2. Also depends on the state you are in.  In NY, you cannot drive after dark until you are 18, or 17 with a Blue Card (obtained by passing a Driver Ed course).  Also with a permit, you must have an adult  licensed driver with you.

  3. Sure, providing your friend does all the driving since your friend has a license.

    No, a 16 year old is NOT an adult licensed driver.  No, you can't get away with it.

    If you are caught driving they will pull your permit and you won't be allowed to get a license until you are 18.

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