
I have a pimple like underneath the skin. Its HUGE. how do i get rid of it?

by Guest62893  |  earlier

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School Starts in a Week. HELP HELP HELP!




  1. Is it one of those really big red ones that hurt really bad even before you can see it with no head?

    If it is it is best to leave it alone and buy some makeup because picking it or popping it may make it worse. But to avoid getting more don't touch your face and keep your hair out of your face for the last week of your summer. You could also try some spot treatment that you can buy at the drugstore, like clean & clear advanced spot treatment gel it works good and in a week it could disappear.  

  2. DON'T PICK IT!!!! You'll just make it more oily with your fingers and probably scratch the skin and then it'll be a big,oily, red scab-zit.  

    I would go in a pool... sounds stupid... but nothing dries out your skin like chlorine.  I am also a firm believer in those cheap creams like "ZapZit" I have a huge tube that I've had for years.  I wouldn't recommend it for people who have chronic acne, but if you're like me and just get the occasional, inconvenient MONSTER, it works great.  

  3. leave it, its better although u will look bad

  4. My suggestion is to rub a pumice stone ( also called an emery board) and that should reduce its size. After doing that it also would be good if you lathered your skin ( the area near the pimple) by washing it to make sure there aren't any infections.  And my recommendation is to use a very fast zit zapper called Ten-O-Six. You can find it at stores like Discount Drug Mart, Wallgreens , and other places.

  5. maybe you should get yourself checked for cancer

  6. Use toothpaste on it and let it stay in your face until the pimple gone

  7. By underneath the skin, do you mean there's no VISIBLE head to it, but hurts like h-e-l-l ? I had 2 like that last year and they turned out to be staph infections/boils. Whatever you do, DONT PICK IT... It will only get worse. With the second one I had, I had to go to ER for it to get some meds for it. So just good staph infection and boils and see if you have the match sypmtoms or signs of it.

    Good Luck!

  8. sounds like cystic acne.

    they only way you can get rid of those quickly, is going to your dermatologist and getting a hydrocortisone(i think) shot directly in the pimple.

    after 3 days it should break down completely and disappear.

  9. dont freak like i do, LISTEN you got 1 I had 5. They ARE big, but if it gets big enough you break the skin (tweezers), NOT TOO MUCH! dont killl urself! lol. Then all this c**p will come out of it, and you put (a little) cleaning alcohal on it to kill germs. then you put a bandade on i(very important it helps it stop scarring) then you put this stuff called Vita K on it (helps scarring) and after it soaks in the skin put a new bandade on it. The scars will stay sadly for awhile but the more Vita K (which is the vitimin that stops scars), the better it improves. Also any cream that has aloe, Vita K, and especailly green tea, or vitimin e oils, it'll help.  

  10. What you can do is put a small dab of toothpaste on it. It is a home remedy. Another thing that REALLY works is tea tree oil, which you can order on line or find at a healthfood store.

    Make sure to exfoliate your face as well.

    Glycery soap is also rumored to work.

    Combine all of these methods and wash twice a day.

    IMPORTANT: Wash your pillow and sheets and make sure you clean all of these daily as well.

    Keep your hands clean and out of your face except when washing.

    AVOID: stress, do not eat greasy or sugary foods.


    Sleep, water and vitamins, fruits and vegetables and exercise.

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