
I have a plum tree in my backyard, I think they are prune plums, my question is how do I know when ripe?

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I have a plum tree in my backyard, I think they are prune plums, my question is how do I know when ripe?




  1. When they turn a nice blue and are sweet and juicy enjoy.

  2. Not all plums are blue or purple when ripe, but a good color is one clue.  Very gently squeeze them-there should be a bit of give, as opposed to feeling hard like an apple.

    You should also be able to pull them off the tree fairly easily.

    Bottom line-pick one and try it!  Almost forgot-when the birds are eating them, they're usually ripe.  They will ripen at different times, and you'll quickly be able to know which ones are ready after picking a few.  

    There's nothing sweeter than tree ripened fruit. You'll be spoiled and not want plums from the grocer, so beware.

  3. As prune plums approach maturity, the fruit develop their

    characteristic purple color. The fruit of blue or purple varieties

    change from green to greenish-blue, then to dark blue or purple. Color alone should not be the deciding factor.  As they ripen plums begin to soften, especially at the tip end. They also develop their characteristic flavor.    So the best way to judge is to taste one.

    I would suggest harvesting them just at that turning point.of starting to yield at the tip.  A little underripe and they can still be used for canning and baking, and soften up if left out for a few days.  Over ripe, you get a mush that won't keep more than a few days.

    I'd keep them in the refrigerator ... just handle them carefully as they will bruise if you don't.

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