
I have a poker question

by  |  earlier

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on full tilt poker i have a Ace and a King and the flop was an ACE ACE TEN then a nine and then a two and my opponent had pocket nines y did he win




  1. he had a full house.. 3 nines and two aces... you only had 3 of a kind

    a full house is when you have 2 of the same card and three of the same card, example, 2 fives and 3 sevens.. that would be a full house, 7 over 5's

  2. You had AK

    He had 99

    The board was A A T 9 2

    You had A A A K T

    He had 9 9 9 A A

    So you had three of a kind (trips) and he had a full house.

  3. he had a full house.

  4. he had a full house to your trip aces.

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