
I have a political question i need thoughts about Hillary that she aired recently?

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since its time for the negativisom to come out i thought it was disgusting when hillary clinton brought up the fact that she knew Bhutto for 12 yrs. after she was just asassinated to bring up a tragity like that in these times just to benifit her politacal stance in the usa to me is disgusting and them 12 yrs. they were probably just aquantannes i could be in touch with someone for a decade but that don't mean i know them like she lead on i think to know someone is to know some of their habits and close family what do you think ??? P.S i dont think we need a president that uses someone elses grief for a little leverage she should think about what Bhutto's children are going through when Hilary doesnt have to worry about being in that kind of danger




  1. Politics- in Latin means many blood suckers . Dose this explain it all.

  2. Do you want her to pretend she didn't know Bhutto, or express ignorance that she had recently died.

    No matter what Hillary does people like you will pretend there is something wrong with it.

  3. '/what is it they say:

    You are known by the company you keep(whether true or untrue).

  4. I hadn't even noticed Hillary say anything, I don't listen to her!  I live in Iowa, and was a hillary supporter at the beginning, but after her first town hall meeting in Des Monies IA, she was asked how she would fix Medicare for seniors, and she responded that most seniors are just happy with what they have.  I realized then she had no connection with the regular person or senior out there!  I now support Obama!

  5. This is a major political issue, and EVERY candidate had something to say about it.  wouldn't it have been strange for Hillary to comment about it and NOT mention that she had known her personally for years?  It sounds to me like you're just grasping at anything you can find to bring hillary down.

  6. More Hilary flatulance.

  7. I don't like Hillary.

    But this is a rather silly question.

  8. All of the politicians have aides on the board today.  It's a holiday.  Relax and take the day off.

  9. It was pretty pathetic, and it definitely provided further proof that her thighness is not a very comfortable person at anything. She came across as contrived and extremely self-absorbed.

  10. Yes, you're absolutely right. Clinton also mentioned that she hadn't seen Bhutto in about 10 years. So that tells me she did not know her very well.

  11. Hillary Clinton wanted to have a relation with Benazir Bhutto projected to the public to get votes particularly the women sector.

  12. "Hilary doesnt have to worry about being in that kind of danger."

    You have to be kidding me right?

    As the first woman to have a chance at the white house, she's in FAR more danger than you'll ever be.

  13. That's what politicos do. She just happens to do it clumsily, and more often than most.

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