
I have a pompoodle she is 1 yrs old....strange behavior ?

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I have two pompoodles both 1 yrs old but one was doing this strange behavior. I wouldn't describe it as a behavior only because i don't know what she was doing. That day my two dogs started fighting to us its a normal thing at home cuz they always fight. But my other dog after the fight she started to act weird i noticed her eyes looking up as if she couldn't control it, her right front leg were up to her chest, and she struggled walking she was limping. It lasted for 2 to 3 mins then it happened again after 2 mins had past, then it completely stop. I have never seen her like that at first i thought it was the fight that she had with my other dog but why was it happening now and before she never did that. Could it be a sign of an early seizure? or just shock from the fight i need answers....




  1. why did you post your question in the cats category...those are dogs! anyways she might have just hurt her leg from the fight but then again it might be a type of seizure and probably needs to get looked at by the vet...try to prevent them from fighting too as they may really injure each other one day...seizures are pretty serious...although rarely fatal they are hard to watch and sometimes they can be really dangerous...try to get it to the vet as soon as you can

  2. Take her to the vet asap. It DOES sound like a seizure.

    And FYI a pompoodle is a dog. Not a cat.

  3. It could be pain, it could be a seizure, it could be something else but for sure it is time to take that dog to the vet and explain very carefully and completely what happened and how the dog acted.

  4. That does sound like she had a seizure. Please take her to the vet to be checked.

  5. "Pompoodle"?  There's no such thing.  Your dog is a mutt.  Someone just gave it that cutesy name so you'd be suckered into paying $$$$ for it.  How sad with so many perfectly good mutts - and REAL breed dogs - waiting for homes at shelters.

    And yes - that sounds like a seizure.  A bit shocked you'd post online and ask about this rather than have your dog looked at.

  6. Please take her to the vet as soon as possible. It sounds like a seizure, and could be a result of the fight, or something else. Please don't wait.

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