
I have a pond with 5 small koi (about 5 inches). Can I add a larger koi? Will it pick on the little guys?

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I have a pond with 5 small koi (about 5 inches). Can I add a larger koi? Will it pick on the little guys?




  1. large koi can and will take smaller fish, if it fits in there mouth they will give it a go.

    i have varying sizes of koi in my pond ranging from a couple ounces to 7 kilos. as long as there is plenty of room and hiding places for the smaller one they should be fine. over all they are very social fish and dont tend to bully each other but the larger one tend to bull doze anything smaller out the way wen they are feeding.

  2. Koi are peaceful fish and are in no way going to pick on your smaller fish, but what you may want to consider is that koi get large,sometimes almost up to three feet in will need a large pond to accommodate all the fish you are planning to get.

    Good Luck. koi are cool

  3. well, hol large id your pond?KOI need 1,000 gals for the first and 100 for each after that..... for 5 KOI u need a 1,400 gallon pond ATLEAST. if your pond is 1,500 gallons or largers, YES another koi is fine.... no KOI even f its full-grown, can eat a 5 inch KOI.

  4. sure you can put a bigger koi, they are harmless! kois don't eat other fish they only eat feeds.

  5. no problem as long they are not small enough to be sucked by the big one.  That means it will depend on the size of the larger koi.  15 inches will be safe.  Based on experience try putting a two inches kois with a 20 inches koi by couple of day don't wonder where are the tiny ones.  It could be sucked by accident or they just love to eat it.  I got two 5 inches koi eat all my guppies.

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