My wife and I recently purchased an 18'x4' easy-set vinyl pool. I skim it regularly, I have a floating chlorine tablet dispenser, and the pump runs 24 hours a day, except when I'm cleaning the filter out. I even put a pound of vinyl pool shock in once a week. I recently bought a pool vacuum that goes with my pump setup, also containing a canister type skimmer that hooks up to the pump side and hangs off the inflatable ring. I used the vacuum once, thought I was satisfied with the results, and went inside. The next day, I went out and my pool water was bright green...the whole pool. I ran to the store and got 2 pounds of pool shock...I put one in last night. This morning I woke up and the pool is no longer green, but the water is very milky and still doesnt look like something I want to swim in. What can i do short of draining and refilling it? It took almost 48 hours to fill it last time...and we have a party happening today. Is there any hope it will still be a pool party? HELP!!!!!!