
I have a poster of Mulder and Scully on my wall. Does that make an official paranormal detective?

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I have a poster of Mulder and Scully on my wall. Does that make an official paranormal detective?




  1. Yes

  2. no.

  3. Does that make WHAT an official paranormal detective?  You?  As far I know that's all the credentials you need.

  4. lol sure does

  5. Have you researched your field?  Bought the proper equipment?  Nah .. scratch that, if you have what it takes you do not need equipment.  What you will need for your first few expeditions is a couple pair of Depends.  Buy them and you are ready.

    Good luck ... lol

  6. Better to use that as a form of credentials than a poster of unicorns and fairies.

  7. If  Mulder and Scully are on your wall you must be open to the possibility. I wouldn't worry about Mulder and Scully to much if your a paranormal detective there are like a million teenagers out there desperate for your professional opinion. To get to them you need to start a band and give it a paranormal name and make all your music dark and paranormal, you would be rolling in it. Maybe you could do a song for the next X-Files movie, I am sure they would give you another poster for your credentials.  

  8. you do realize that those characters are actors and not investigators right?

  9. If you take psychiatry ,u will b paranormal

  10. No. Who is that? You don't become a paranormal investigator by doing nothing. Do you even know anything about the paranormal?

  11. How many people read this as "Does that make me a paranormal detective?" I know that's what you meant - but most people don't see the little things or choose to ignore them.

    That is why you need to concentrate on the small details to be a detective.

    Anyway - it's good fun.

    You just need a torch, pencil and paper, a working watch, and hopefully a few friends, and you can be a paranormal investigator too.

  12. I think we're all paranormal detectives at some time in our lives. At least maybe that poster will keep the bad ghosts away from your house...or room. Is that why you have it on your wall?

  13. If so then having a poster of Elvis makes you a great singer and King of Rock and Roll.

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