
I have a pregnant dwarf hamster but when she gives birth I want to keep the young with the mom and dad.thisOK?

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I have a pregnant dwarf hamster but when she gives birth I want to keep the young with the mom and dad.thisOK?




  1. You can keep the young with the mother but i would say take the dad out. Shortly after birth the mom and dad will probably breed again. Congratulations!!!

  2. well, if you are going to keep the dad with the mum then she will get pregnant again.... so better separat the male if you don't want to harm the mum and if you don't want any more babies.  Also, after 4 weeks you can separate the male babies from the mum and keep the female babies with the mother :) they will live happily together :)  this page might help.

    You can always drop me a line anytime on

    Kind Regards

    Nadia Vella

  3. maybe you want to move the male hamsters because the males eat there babies and the moms just take care of them and make sure you never touch the babies because they are really fragile

  4. jennifer's answer is right. there is not an immediate risk in leaving the father in the cage. the dad may attack the babies, the mom may attack the babies. the dad may try to help but might be in the way of the mom properly caring for them. the mom might just reject them. anything can happen. i have had a litter with the father in the cage and nothing went wrong, a syrian hamster to be exact. however, never leave 2 pregnant females in the same cage, on litter WILL disappear.

    it is also true that yhe female goes back into heat almost as soon as she is done delivering. also if you dont want anymore litters, keep one female and one male baby and place the males and females in different cages. they both have buddies!!! might have a fight between the males thought, but not guaranteed.

  5. 1. Remove the male hamster out of the cage on the day she delivers becoz female hamsters can mate within an hour of delivery and you don't want to be having another litter of babies within the next 18 days and neither would that be good for the female's health.

    2. You can keep the babies only with the mother for 3 weeks after they are born, never try to touch them during this time or the mother will get aggressive and eat her own babies.

    3. Once the babies are three weeks old, you have to separate the males from females & the males from the mother otherwise they can mate among themselves which is not good for their health.

    4. I have not had any problems so far with all females in one cage and all males in another cage, dwarfs can co-exist in same cage, however make sure the cage is spacious and note their behavior for a week, if there is any vicious fights, you will have to separate them.

    5. When you introduce the male kids with the father in his cage, please take care since sometimes, males do not like any others in their territory. If he is happy with them , it is fine, otherwise you will have to house them separately.

    6. Normally males from the same litter can coexist in the same cage very well.

    Hope this helps!

  6. you may have to remove the male hamster. you will have to see how he reacts. the mother may be very protective , and he may try to eat them. remember not to touch them for a few weeks or the mother will eat them.

  7. NO!!! No you shouldn't do this! Please don't keep a male and female together! Please! I can't believe you let her get pregnant! Take the dad out now! If you kept the young with mum and dad and they didn't get killed then the babies would breed as well before you know it you'll have more hamsters than you can handle. The cage probably isn't big enough for two adults let alone a whole family. Any female babies would get pregnant at a young age and that would be dangerous for them and their babies.

  8. remove the DAD

  9. Most dwarf hamster dads (which species?) will help raise the young.

    HOWEVER, within minutes of giving birth the male and female will mate. This can be really hard on the mom. She'll be nursing a litter and carrying another at the same time.

    One thing that concerns me, if you don't have basic information like whether or not dad should remain, then you don't know enough to responsibly breed hamsters.

    I'd remove the dad now. When the babies are weaned, move the males into dads cage and leave the girls with mom.

  10. What I know is that you shold not go near them or the mother because she will take offence and litterally kill the pups! Remove the Male the mother needs no help. You should not toch them until 4 or 5 weeks. I know its hard to not play or touch the cute little hamsters but its the best for them and the mother. You can still play with the male tho.! Good luck!

  11. don't leave the male in there he might eat them

  12. you should never keep the babies together with the dad because the dad will eat some of the babies and the mother will feel intimidated by the father presences in the cage and stop feeding the babies because she is to busy fighting with the you can still keep the male just not in the same cage.make sure that the male is out of the cage when she is giving birth because it could embarrass the mother if the father is in the cage and she could also eat the babies due to stress.but when the babies are grown, seperate them from the mother because she will hurt the male babies when they get older so i would put the males with the dad and females with the mom.when the male babies get older they will mate with there sisters so the mother and sister will fight if a male is in there cage. but everything is okay if its just females in one cage and males in the other and if you want more baby hamsters dont put a male in the female cage or a female in the male cage because then you could end up with a lot of babies take the hamster and put them in a plastic container and just watch.

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