She is 23 an this will be her 2nd kid. Both with different dads. Except, I'm pretty sure this one is a dead beat.
He is 28 with no car
He lives with her and her parents
He drives her car, and ever since he has started driving it her car is falling apart and he will not even pay for it to get an oil change
He works at a hotel banquet room and only makes 8 an hour
HE does not have any bills but his cell phone and still manages never to have any money to even by her parents groceries, but eats all theirs.
drinks every night (think thats were his money goes all of it.)
other then all that he is not a bad guy, he is friendly, funny, not a crazy drunk, but he has issues.
So pretty much she is at a crossroads either dump him, or he needs to grow up fast.
I really don't see this working out for the positive one bit unless she dumps him or he steps up.
I suppose my question is, has anyone else been or seen a silular situation? How did it work out ?