
I have a prescription for vicodin, and I am taking a flight out of state. Can I carry my pills on my person? ?

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Or do I have to put them in my luggage? I just don't want to loose them and have to hassle with getting them filled in another state.




  1. Yes you can, but make sure you carry your prescription with as proof. Or make sure it's your name on the bottle and carry id. Then you will be fine

  2. As long as the name on the pill bottle is yours, no problem, as you have a rightful possession of a controlled substance- they were prescribed by a doctor for a medical condition. If the name is not yours, dont try it because this can lead to drug possesion charges.

    If they do investigate, they will call the phamarcy on the bottle, and they can check to prescription from the doctor, and call the doctor who will confrim that he indeed did write it for you.

  3. The DEA might track you down if you have a legitimate prescription.  This really comes down to common sense. if you don't want to lose them, keep them on your person or in your carry on.   DUH!

  4. First off make sure you carry your prescriptions with you in your carry on luggage, not your checked luggage. You would not want to lose the pills if your luggage was misplaced. As long as the pills are in the original prescription bottle with the name on the bottle matching the name on your boarding pass you will be fine. I always travel with my medication and have never had an issue.

  5. you can but it's a hasl my mom did it one time and it added an extra 30 hour in the airport so leave early

  6. yes, and you can take them if you need them while you are in the air

  7. The pill bottle with your phamacy lable should be fine.  Carry it on.  You don't want to lose your prescription if your luggage is lost, or have a controlled substance get nabbed out of the luggage.  

    Also, I recommend you only take what you need for your trip, in the original bottle, and leave the rest at home.  Less drugs equals less hassle IF they stop and ask you (which they probably won't anyway).  Also, if they do get lost, you still have some at home when you get back.

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