
I have a presentation next class and need advice. PLEASE help!?

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I have a spanish presentation next hour. I am worried I will start laughing or do something stupid. I haven't really worked on memorizing it but we have pictures to use for it and those help a lot. Any tips? I just don't wanna laugh in the middle of it. That would be really embarrassing!




  1. Just keep breathing.  I know it sounds really really cliche, but it helps.  I have the same problem with presentations.  I usually get a stupid smile and just can concentrate.  

    So yeah breathing helps, and also use some note cards if you can.  They really help keep you on track if you lose your place.  

    And if all else fails...fake it yah make it.  Basically just do your best to BS your way through it till you find your rhythm

  2. Whatever you do, don't wheeze.

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