
I have a presentation to give...can sombody give me suggestions? Te topic is France.?

by Guest59835  |  earlier

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i can talk about people, festivities, places, food. Anything! I don know France so if somebody who's been there or knows something exciting about this country...please let me know.

It's for my french class




  1. In France not only food is important. You can for example choose a city like Paris and say all the important monuments which are there. You can also talk about French traditions and french culture. You can also add the history of France with the wars and the presidents.

    There is really a lot to say about France but you have to choose about what you prefer to talk.

  2. A very similar question was asked just a little while ago. Here is what I suggested:

    The obvious thing that comes to mind immediately is food. You could begin by pointing out the differences in French meal times and eating habits. (The fact that dinner is eaten very late by American standards for example.)

    You could then contrast the French emphasis on eating fresh, locally grown and seasonal products with the American supermarket driven use of standardized products often shopped great distances.

    Then you could describe some actual French dishes both showing things that are quite different than what Americans eat (like pate) and those things that are really very much the same (Roast chicken, steaks).

    Finally you could talk about the influence of France on america and vice versa. i.e. talk about the growing number of McDonalds and Starbucks in France.

    If you choose this topic we can get into more details at that point.

  3. I like Rillifane's idea because you could also bring some samples to class.  Brie cheese is available in most grocery stores, French lemonade is available at Target (I bought some today), and many cities have French bakeries or bakeries that can provide French pastries.

  4. Wow, so many options. Since food has already been covered, you could also look at the differences in different French regions: the Celtic-influenced Bretagne (Brittany), the German-influenced Alsace-Lorraine, D-Day beaches in Normandy, the French Alps, and beautiful sunny Provence.

    The ancient history of France is really cool too. To narrow it down, you might just look at Paris, known as Lutece/ Lutetia to the Romans, and the Parisii sailors who patrolled the Seine. The Thermes de Cluny, ancient Roman baths, are right in downtown Paris. The southern town of Arles has awesome Roman ruins too. Anyway, if you research the Romans in France (Gaul), you'll surely happen upon the warrior Vercingetorix and you could liven up your presentation with Asterix and Obelix comics.

    Another fun topic you could do is sports in France, from the invention of tennis in French courts to of course Le Tour de France. The 2007 Rugby World Cup was just held in France, and you could also talk about my beloved French national soccer team, les Bleus. :)

    Bon courage!

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