
I have a pretty good voice but how can i be heard?

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I can sing pretty good but i dont think i will ever get noticed by anyone but my own family please help?




  1. if you think you could sing then join American idol (next season)...definitely you would be heard by thousand of people...give it a try.GOOD LUCK !!!

  2. if you're in college, go to your college's music wing and look out for flyers on the wall. lots of bands put them up looking for singers. you can probably do this even if you're not enrolled (just make sure that the college/university is public, not private).

    you can also look on people are always looking for a pretty voice/face for their band. you can also post yourself up on craigslist as a singer looking for exposure.

    hope that helps

  3. Join a school or community musical! Sing for friends and family! Sing to your pets and your shower! Do Karaoke, just be heard!! Join choir or something like that! Good luck

  4. get involved in school with choir and sing for people. just have fun a be creative. i play keyboard so i go into nursing homes and play for the people. they love it.

  5. Tryout for a musical at school and post yourself on youtube.

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