
I have a prevailing wage job

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I have a prevailing wage job that requires me to travel for 2.5 hours.What is the compensation for travel time?




  1. You should be compensated for your travel at your normal rate for the time you travel outside your normal commute or you should be paid travel time.

    I would suggest that you ask your HR Manager or Payroll person what the company policy is on travel; it varies depending on the type of business and the normal business practices that your company upholds.

  2. people like you are the reason why our enviorment is the way that it is.

    move there!

    its probably like in another state or something!

  3. What is the compensation for travel time?

    ZERO, NADDA, NOTHING..........................

    travel to and from your normal location of employment is not compensated, if you must travel out of your normal city to work on a single day assignment then that time is considered work hours.


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