
I have a problem, help me please?

by  |  earlier

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One duck swimming at the lake and a flock ducks flying over him, then, the swimming duck asking to the ducks flying over him, how many you are? The flock of ducks reply,

If you add us much as our number + one half of our number + one fourth of our number + You (the swimming duck) we are exactly 100.

The question is, how many the total Ducks flying @ that certain time?




  1. I like 9. I think it is a happy number

  2. if "n" is the number of ducks flying

    and  n + .5n + .25n + 1 = 100


    n + .5n + .25n = 100 - 1

    1.75n = 99

    n = 99/1.75

    n = 56.57

    but since you can't have half a duck flying, the answer would be 57 flying ducks.

    In which case, based on the flying duck's answer:

    57 + (57/2) + (57/4) + 1  is actually 100.75

    So either one or more ducks are pregnant, accounting for the fractional duck... or the flying duck made an error in his count, cause as we all know... though ducks are pretty good at multiplying, aren't that good at algebra. ;)

  3. 99

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