
I have a problem, my horse has a bucking problem, when we go into a canter he bucks.What do I do with him?

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I have a problem, my horse has a bucking problem, when we go into a canter he bucks.What do I do with him?




  1. CHECK HIS BODY! When horses canter, they use different muscles than the other gaits (walk, trot, gallop, etc), so one may hurt. Check out also if the saddle pad/girth is pinching, you may over look this. I know you are probobly thinking- I do this all the time! These are stupid suggestions!- But really, check him out and if he is fine you may want to have a trainer come for a day and try to work on him.  It may just be an attitde problem.

  2. just elaborating, but the horse i used to ride would do this when he cantered too. it was his saddle. it pinched him on the highest point of his withers. i strongly suggest getting a saddle doctor to look at it, or using another saddle (that fits him) and seeing if he bucks then.

    on another note, it could just be bad manners, and its a little kick hes on, and with schooling, it will pass, but leave it, and it can become a permanent habit.

  3. He needs more training.  His head must be in the vertical to be balanced BUT he can't buck if his head is up!  You need to go back to the trot and get his head positioned properly so he's rounding his back and tucking his belly. Then try the canter again. If he continues to buck, check your tack.  If you find no problem, try the canter again. You should be able to "feel" when he's lowering his head, which he has to do for a buck.  When he does, grab his head and pull him up.  It won't take long for him to figure out that you've got his number.  And he should settle down and canter softly.  I understand your frustration, I've got to teach my guy to lope and canter and every time we try he thinks he's going to have fun and run!  Be patient, it takes time.

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