
I have a problem, when ever I eat anything I get really sick, Doesnt matter what I eat. ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not pregnant. I've had a hysterectomy last year. I just don"t know what is going on with me.




  1. I'm not sure because I'm not a doctor, but from personal experience it can be a variety of things.  I was first diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, then it got worse and I had to get a ton of tests in the hospital, and finally I am having surgery to get my gallbladder removed.  It was all because of my gallbladder.  Go to your doctor and tell them your symptoms.  Be patient.  I know it feels terrible, especially when no one can figure out what's wrong with you, but it took over a year for them to figure mine out and I had good doctors.  I don't' mean to scare or discourage you, I'm just telling you my story.  Maybe you just have a stomach virus or something simple.  Good luck and feel better soon!

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