
I have a problem, with my social life...?

by Guest34088  |  earlier

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I'm 17 years old, most of my best friends are younger than me (13-16) and all of them seem more "mature" than me. All have had boyfriends and relationships, while I have never even been asked out. I try hard to find friends that are my age or older, but for some reason, I don't click with them. Does this mean I'm immature? I really want to experience dating and at least good friendships with people my age, but I can't.




  1. Some people are just mature more than others...  

  2. Perhaps you need a new group of friends. I am not suggesting that you become unfriendly with your present ones, but it may help to expand your horizons a little.

    Maturity doesn't equal boyfriends. Maturity has more to do with how you handle your challenges in life.

    My suggestion for you is to do the following:

    You must be courageous and take some steps without your present group of friends.

    Sometimes people are considered s****. when they are actually just shy. Even though you are shy, you don't want to give the wrong impression to others that you think you are better than they are. So, make sure to smile pleasantly most of the time. You must act friendly, but not pushy. Say "Hi," to other people besides your old group.

    If there are any classroom or school projects where kids are working together, volunteer. You will work with others and begin to build a network of friends.

    Get involved in social activities like the school newspaper or yearbook committee. At lunch, sit next to people you like or want to be with. Don't ignore your old friends, but concentrate on making new ones now. And, don't give up. It takes time to develop new friendships. To have friends you must BE a friend to others.

    Fiinally, always be nice to others like yourself who are trying to fit in to new groups.

  3. Maybe you're not approachable enough. Some guys feel girls with booming personalities will just shoot them down. Just be kind to EVERYONE and be yourself.

  4. The best thing you can do is be yourself. Trying to be someone older or younger will only end up hurting in the end. Accept that you're not like others, enjoy your time with them and don't worry about what age they are. Everyone goes through phases of feeling awkward and not fitting in. Get online and into some penfriend sites or chat rooms if you want to talk to other people and maybe date.

  5. Dating and having boyfriends is not a measure of maturity, in my opinion.

    I think it depends on why you have only friends that are younger than you.  Is it because you have lots on common with them, and they just happen to be younger than you?  Or do you specifically seek out friends that are younger than you so you can feel more comfortable socializing with people who are not as "intimidating" to you?  Only you know the answer to that, but I'd say if you are choosing not to befriend people your own age because you find them intimidating, or feel like they are more mature than you, I think your perception is skewed, because there are a lot of other people your same age that probably feel the same way.  People grow up and mature in a lot of different ways.  I was always very "mature" when I was younger, but now I feel like that maturity kept me from experiencing some life lessons, and I am now learning some of those lessons in my mid-20s.

  6. im 16 and a few of my friends are younger than me and we are sort of different. it doesnt make you immature, it just means you probably dont have a lot in common. your only 17, you have your whole life for relationships! good luck :)

  7. NO that means hang out with maybe a nother 17 yaer old and maybe they can give you some tips or something

  8. start joining activeties you would enjoy, you'll meet people there

    having a relationship dont dictate maturity

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