
I have a problem.... I dunno what to do?

by  |  earlier

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We are both in high school, and he's my friend. I really like him, and well, he wants to be a priest. Well, is it wrong of me to want to be with him, if he wants to be a priest?

And should i tell him?




  1. why wouldnt a priest allowed to date? thats fine..

  2. You've got one life to live girly. GO FOR IT. Who knows, he might not wanna be a priest after you tell him ya dig? Speak from the heart and you can't go wrong. Good luck :)

  3. Hi Erica,

    Number one, you look too young to be in high school and for a safe measure...I'd take my real picture if I were you for your protection.

    Number two:  A guy wanting to go into the priesthood is not a bad thing.  Wanting to "be with him."  

    Be his friend.  Long lasting relationships start out with deep friendships.  

    Today it seems that the peer pressure wants all young girls to give up what is most precious to them just to be popular.

    When young girls do this...they are playing russian roulette with their lives.  Guys who take this from young girls at your age, do not respect you.  Pregnancies and aids are on the increase in our nation and it only take one wrong guy to give it to you.

    So, if you really like some nice guy...become the best of friends by sharing in fun that is not intimate.  Find out what it is that you two have in common that won't cost you your life and make you feel bad about yourself after it happens.

    Save the intimate stuff for when you graduate from college, then at least you haven't ruined your life.  But instead at least lived life and done some of the things you really wanted to do.

    Aids kills.  Pregnancies take a whole lot from your life and freedoms when they are not planned or when you haven't even experienced all you can and lived life to the fullest.

    You're too young to "give up on yourself to someone who could care less about you."  Hormones at your age can reck your life.

  4. hay,

    it depends what religion he is.... members of many clergies can marry. if that's not the case...well, he's not a priest yet(maybe you can change his mind =P ) drop a few hints and see what he does, if hes receptive then be straight with him , tell him you like him, but don't know how he feels about this stuff... and go from there, if he says straight up, 'no i'm married to god(or something along those lines' well, that sucks, but believe me when i tell you, that is probably the nicest 'shooting down' you'll ever experience. i mean it's better than, 'i don't like you, like you like me' , don't ya think?

    one thing though, in my experience, a lot of people find someone being straight and just saying 'i like you' really awquard at your age,  so he will be uncomfortable even if he likes you the second your sure his mumbling, ramblings(if you catch him off guard don't expect a very eloquent response, more of an 'oh! um.. i eh..well.. like you too...?' ) are trying to say i like you too then kiss him, it will take the pressure off him.

    good luck! =]  

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