
I have a problem but if i tell my grandmother she would freak! help?

by Guest67141  |  earlier

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My side of my stomach hurts along with my back. im worried to telll my grandmother because i know she willl freak im hoping it gose away on it's own but i dont know if it will!!!1

what could be wrong if my left side hurts??

should i tell my grandmother???

how should i tell her with out freaking her out and haveing her drag me of to the doctors?




  1. Tell her she did not get to be old freaking out over every little thing. She has heard it all before

  2. tell her not to freak out.. i just have a minor problem. Can you help me out. you know? don't seem like its horrible and life threatening.

  3. You should just tell her as simple as possible and get it over with. You may NEED to go to the doctor. It won't hurt you any way!

  4. break it gradually to her. just start with a simple.

    ' i dont feel too well.'

    and make it progress from there.

    by the way, i think you should go to the doctors.  

  5. you have to tell her cuz u dnt kno wut it is. it could be minor or somehting really serious, u have to tell her

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