well for starters i have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (untreated) and i could have Social Anxiety/Obessive conpulsive Disorder, anyway for some reason i always imagine me being some big tuff guy who everyone respects/fears, but when im there i avoid fighting if lets say someone is going to punch me in the face the pain or injury is not my concern its, how will i react and what will people think of me i always think people are judging/going to try embarres me so i stop my self from doing things i enjoy, my heart pumps whenever someone starts talking to me in a angry voice, because i think they are going to attack me and i am going to not fight back and look like a idiot, if i see a group of people walking down the street my first thoughts are 'i better not go near them, they could attack me they could be dangerous' i freeze if someone says something to me ina angry serious voice, i stop and kind of freeze and think 'what should i say, if i say this ile look like im not scared, but if i say that they might attack me' and so on, i know im bigger/stronger then alot of people, but for some reason i freeze, get scared and dont know what to say/do to people if they say/do something to make me angry whats wrong with me....