
I have a problem............?

by  |  earlier

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I would ask it but yall know that im Southeren Gal so you will probably give rude answers to me, but whatever I dont like yall either. I guess I will answer anyway. If you have a rude comment, put it. Just express your feelings, I dont mind at this point.

My question is why is everyone so mean. I kn ow I have ask this before but i have never gotten a real answer. And, no i am not rude.




  1. Hi,There is a lot of rude people,but the nice people out number them,I always try to give my best answer to everybody,ya get a bit of a laugh at times on here,but it is all good.I am Australian so whatever you want to ask,go for it,you just have to weed out the weird answers,don't take it to heart.You have a good day.Good luck.

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