
I have a problem..?

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I am an 18 year old girl, and I always feel unfulfilled. It feels as if I never will amount to anything in my whole entire life. I want to do something fulfilling, such as giving back to the world. Any ideas on how I can fill this void?

*please help me. I’m really sad about this...




  1. I have always felt the same way. My life wasnt given to me just to take take, I need to give back. I have tried, and it has made me feel so full of pride.

    You need to find something that is your passion, something that touches who you are to volunteer. Your local animal shelter, an abused childrens/womens shelter, a homeless shelter. They need help so badly, and you will leave feeling better than you ever have in your life.

  2. You sound a little depressed to me....but you've at least put your finger on what's bothering you.  Everyday living is opportunity to do good things in this world.  From  helping a disabled person reach something on a high shelf at the store, to running for public office and making changes for many, you are giving back.  You're young and have the right idea.  

    Try and find something you really enjoy doing and have some fun while you're doing good.  If you're happy, everyone around you will be happier.  Good luck.

  3. Giving back to the world is very vague and difficult to do.  Focus and apply yourself in one direction; such as, help a particular friend or family member or help at a local youth center, rest home or church. Focus and think and do one thing at a time.

  4. Join the military!

    Basic Training has a way of helping you get over "feeling sorry for yourself" pretty quick!

    They have all kinds of ways to make you "fulfilled"!

    Before you can help others, you got to straighten out your own act!

  5. I bought a book called "365 ways to change the world" by Michael Norton.  Maybe one of the ideas in the book will inspire you to fulfill that void.

  6. We all as human beings have been in a position of self-doubt, pity and diffidence at some point. What you need to do at this juncture is believe that you have the capability to bring about a change in your life. Do not just sit and mope around feeling sorry for your self, you are only digging yourself further down the self-pitying pit. If you never wake up from that kind of thinking you will never be a successful and ambitious young lady. You have to understand that God made you and you are here for some reason. Many ask the relevance of life and its purpose, life in it self is a master, teacher, friend, enemy and sometimes mother to all of us at some point. We have the fundamental right of whether we want life to be our friend, foe etc. You need to answer that for yourself.Why not engage in seminars, confidence building workshops etc that can not only build your self-esteem but make you a success in life. At this point you need to get up and grab life by the horns and let it know you are here for a reason and as long as you are here you will be a success and live an exemplary life for others to follow and not be some sad and gloomy person, who just wasted the gift of life. Good luck and God bless.

  7. if u gotta give someting 2 the world, first thing u gotta b honest, but i find most of the people trying out to help people, help themselves, they care a d**n for others

    mayb a countable few who really hav concience

  8. Try volunteering. You can learn what causes you feel passionate about, learn skills you can use at university and in your career someday, you can meet other people, and you can get "out of your head" for a while. Once you build a relationship with an organization or cause, you will find yourself more and more fulfilled.




    Network for Good,


    Also, contact your local volunteer center; you can find this via the Points of Light Foundation web site,

    All list volunteering opportunities with thousands of organizations.

    There's also this government sponsored site, which provides volunteer positions through USA federal land agencies like Fish & Wildlife, Forest Service, National Parks, etc.

    If you want to be a volunteer to help with the consequences of a natural disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, you need to register and prepare NOW. Here's a web site where you can register and start your preparation so that you can help the next time disaster strikes:
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