
I have a problem.?

by Guest33182  |  earlier

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okay so im in volleyball.



this is going to be my 3rd year playing.

i am a pretty good overall player.

the problem is when i hit i don't swing my arm down all the way.

after i hit the ball my arm atomatically lifts up and down.

i don't follow through.

i dont know how i can get to follow through.

because if i do my hit can be awesome.

cause i can already hit it hard so if i can get that swing, it will be even better.

any tips?






  1. ok I see...

    Its all about your technical skills...which all players have different style of how you play and act in the court

    well yeah I'm in the same place as you....3rd year and I can be the best player if I practice hard in my own time...

    what you can do is to believe yourself that you can hit, like a killer spike.......if you prepare more on your moves before go to hit the ball I think you will be ok

    do some exercises for your arms and shoulders

    hope I help a little

    good luck!!!

  2. you have a bad habit and your going to need to break cant be pretty good if you have deficencies....but that's another story, Your going to need to make an honest effort to follow thru on your swing when hitting......It's a mental thing....think of your swing when doing your approach and make sure that your arm or hand follow thru and hit your body when hitting.

  3. Practice your approach without a ball and be sure to swing all the way through. Make that your focus during hitting practice. Make sure you snap your wrist at the end so the ball goes straight down. When you're hitting, until you get it, just think swing through swing through. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just practice practice practice!

  4. Practice makes perfect...... Make sure u practice the right way.............

  5. You have to constantly think about it and mentally know when you are doing it wrong. Keep telling yourself to swing all the way through. I used to have that problem and I told myself that everytime I hit my thumb had to at least touch my thigh if not go past it. Just keep practicing...a lot. Repetition is key. If it's really only your swing that you are having trouble with you don't have to take a full approach everytime your practice your swing...just do the last part and swing. Good luck!

  6. Practice a lot, and focus on that.  Take practice slow and work on one movement at a time for best results.  As for hitting into a wall that is an ok technique although I don't recommend it at all.  It may teach you to follow through but it will force you to drop the altitude at which you hit the ball as you won't have your arm straight.  A follow through without a proper arm swing is just useless. Good luck.

  7. how can u be an overall good player if u cant even swing a volleyball properly? plz

  8. My coach helps his with following through by hitting at a wall. This way you can practice your form better than your approach. If you followed through, the ball should come back to you.
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